Books & Decks

Divine Fox Affirmation Cards

The Divine Fox Affirmation deck can be used anytime by anyone. These are vibrational cards, just by reading them it shifts your energy to a higher level you. Keep them in a special place near things that mean something to you for a better connection.

To use: create a comfortable space for you to tune in while you ask your questions. Shuffle the deck with your question in mind. You don’t have to have a question though, you can sit in stillness and just draw a card and read it. If emotions come up for you, then you were meant to read the message at this time. 

Many blessings, Deanna

Soul Talk Book 1

This is a great mini book as a self help gift or for coffee table reading. A simple 32 page guide to connecting to your soul. This book can be used as a go to guide for deeper meaning, and contemplation. It was made for simplicity. To start the book, sit quietly and ease into your breathing rhythm, intuitively open to the page that you were meant to connect with, and then close your eyes for 10 minutes going deep into the meaning from spirit. Each message was channeled by my guides for you, and your souls growth. You’ll recognize that as you go deeper with these messages from spirit that you will start to gain an easier connection to listening to your own spirit. This is a wonderful way to start and end your day, bringing you back to center.