Sharing Inspiration

Free Meditation coming soon

Energy Journal 


It's a wonderful gift to give to your loved ones. Some people have more time than most to give. The gift in giving not only comes from the act of love but should also come from your intention & discernment. 

Know that for every gift you give, it is in your best interest to allow the same amount back to you and to notice now and then if you feel full or empty. Your spirit is all loving and wants you too to receive because you're a giver.


Receiving is also a gift. A gift you give yourself for being impecable, having self worth and rising to the occasion of asking to receive. Receiving is one of the hardest acts for people to acknowledge.

 Would you say you receive enough? Do you feel that you have what you need?

 You have permission to ask for it. Allow yourself the permission slip to receive all of your wants and needs.