Life Balance Healing
Deanna Gaines is a Northwest native with over 25 years in a Zen Lifestyle Practice. She's a holistic coach and energy healer living and breathing conscious living.
"I've been a healing and supportive guide for others for 25 years now! I'm so excited to guide you through to your next level where you will gain an increase in peace, personal alignment, inner clarity, harmony and living with ease. This is an exciting journey and I'm honored to be here with you."
Thank you for being here, let's do this amazing work together,
Deanna Gaines, Zen Lifestyle Designer
Deanna started her professional holistic journey in 2003 beginning with Reiki, then graduated from Evergreen Healing Arts where many certifications grew for the following 11 years. As she spent time on various specialties, she's now landed in a purposeful place of teaching and training your whole body to rest and digest.
She's helped those with physical, emotional and mental challenges with her acclaimed Whole Body Intelligence system which she is currently working on Trademarking.
Whole Body Intelligence is a Holistic and conscious approach to working with your mind, body and spirit to work together to aid in stress recovery through training your systems to rest and digest life.
"My goal is to support, guide and assist in enhancing the quality of your life." I refer to my work as another type of personal training.
We all could use additional training in calming the mind and body, following our joy and happiness, listening to our inner spirit as it guides us through life as well as understanding the signals our body is giving us! Yes, we need training in these areas and I believe we all need a personal healing specialist on speed dial.
I have one too!